Identify the authenticity of gucci bags

Identify the authenticity of gucci bags
LV bag of hot scenes we have seen to buy a. So gucci handbags, how many people buy them? Not be discussed today the purchase of popular gucci bags how prosperous, some methods to identify genuine and fake Gucci bags.

Authentic gucci bags workmanship is very fine, from the weaving pattern to the car line, the inner layer is very neat and clean. Fake gucci bags unsatisfactory workmanship, with special weave pattern observed whether the G neat, all the cars line is not neat, ending is not clean, the inner folds of leather or cutting line is not flat, these are fake Goof's Place.

Authentic gucci handbags nylon fabric feel stiff and thick. Fake gucci bags, nylon fabric is relatively thin, and feel no sense of reality. Authentic gucci bags bamboo handle heavy weight, thick wood, the deeper the color. Fake gucci bags bamboo handle is lighter weight, thinner wood, light in color. Genuine Gucci bag will be printed on the label liner "Gucci" and "Made in Italy" the words, and this label will be printed behind the clear number, this is the true identity of Gucci logo. Lined with fake Gucci more fuzzy fonts on the label, the label on the back are not numbered. These are some simple gucci handbags to distinguish between true and false tips, we want to have some usefulness.

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Identify the authenticity of gucci bags